
Friday 24 August 2018

Tessallation 2

Hi, I'm back.
Today we did more tessellation. I also did a different shape.  Here it is


Wednesday 22 August 2018


Hello, I'm back with a new blog post. Today my class and I did some tessellation on a google drawing with triangles. Then we had to color them in with color and I did mine rainbow with some white. Here is my google drawing. 

p.s ( Some of it is meant to be white, the middle )

Anyway I have to go, Bye

Friday 17 August 2018


Hello, everyone today I wanted you to catch up on mymaths this week . So in maths we did times tables and my goal for that is to know all of my times tables up to 12. anyway i got 100% in 6 stage also in 3 minutes and 2 seconds, here is my score


Friday 10 August 2018

Goldilocks And The Three Bears Flow - Chart

Hello, welcome back to my blog. Today I did a flow - chart for goldilocks and I want you to see it here it is.

Team discusses Ideas for the story.



Not enough writing

When the three bears go upstairs… they push her off the bed, then she runs as far a way as possible

The bears came in and went up and saw her so they gobbled her up

They came running in and gobbled her up

Just before she lays in baby bears bed the three bears come in and be angry but she made friends with them instead

She could see them from 15 feet away, she runs upstairs and hides in  a small box. The bears came in and didn’t notice anything, they went up stairs and went for a nap. When they were asleep she ran for her life and was never seen again.

Anyway I hoped you liked it, I will post later. bye

Wednesday 1 August 2018

How to make someones day

Hello everyone today I had to make a slide about making someones day because making someones day is our topic anyway here is my slide what was your favorite way to make someones day anyway i have to go bye!