
Wednesday 30 October 2019

Risk Taking

Our Comfort Zone

Today we did a Mindmup of our comfort zone and our not so comfort zone.  I did 6 things I am confident with and 6 things I'm not so confident.  Here is my Mindmap.  

I got this information from some experiences.  

Mindmap link ~ MindMup

Have you ever used Mindmup ?    

What is in your comfort zone ? 

Monday 21 October 2019

First Prototec For Term 4

First Prototec For Term 4

Today we did our first protect term 4.  I think I did ok but I could have done better.  I got 77% in 11 minutes and 46 seconds.  Here are my screenshots of it. 

I got this information from my brain ( like normal )

My next step is to get a better time.

Monday 14 October 2019

SMART Goals 2019

Smart Goals 2019

Today was the first day of term 4,  so we had to make our goals for term 4.  We have a subject for each goal,  Reading,  Writing,  Maths and Other.  For other, we had to do what we can do better with our behavior.  Here are my goals for all of the year.

I haven't done the reflection yet because we do that at the end of the term.

What would be your goals for term 4?