Hi, Everyone
Kirsty back
Today my hub is learning about Achievement & Pride
Here is some questions i got asked
What is the achievement i am proud of?
( I am proud of how I learnt to swim in about 3-4 days last year)
What does pride in achievement mean?
( Emotion that carries two antithetical meanings
How will you share your pride this week?
( I will show that i'm a trustworthy person and that I will set a goal)
My goal would be to be kind to not just my friends but everyone in our community and to be more careful of others
Goodbye Blogger
Kia Ora Kirsty. Swimming is such an important life skill! It is something that once you have learned it, you will use it for life. I can't wait to have the pool in use next term! What does antithetical mean? Your goal is something that everybody should aspire to!